⭐️HUGE BARC OUTS⭐️to these stand-out students for their amazing accomplishments. They have been recognized by staff for displaying positive Behavior, high Academic achievement, college and career Readiness, and building a strong Community. #pawsitivenews #ItsAGreatDayToBeABulldog
⭐️HUGE BARC OUTS⭐️to these stand-out students for their amazing accomplishments. They have been recognized by staff for displaying positive Behavior, high Academic achievement, college and career Readiness, and building a strong Community. #pawsitivenews #ItsAGreatDayToBeABulldog
⭐️HUGE BARC OUTS⭐️to these stand-out students for their amazing accomplishments. They have been recognized by staff for displaying positive Behavior, high Academic achievement, college and career Readiness, and building a strong Community. #pawsitivenews #ItsAGreatDayToBeABulldog
⭐️HUGE BARC OUTS⭐️to these stand-out students for their amazing accomplishments. They have been recognized by staff for displaying positive Behavior, high Academic achievement, college and career Readiness, and building a strong Community. #pawsitivenews #ItsAGreatDayToBeABulldog
Here are this week's events We hope to see you at these events! We appreciate your continued support for our amazing students & programs! #itsagreatdaytobeabulldog ¡Esperamos verte en estos eventos! ¡Apreciamos su continuo apoyo a nuestros increíbles estudiantes y programas!
The Jolly Parade honoring first responders is coming Friday, December 15th starting at Ranchero Middle School and from there going to Cedar and Hesperia Junior High. Come out and join the community for photos with Santa, free candy, and lots more!.
Want FREE 💰💵 for College? Check out these scholarships! Questions? Please see Diane Rodriguez in the Career Center. #ItsAGreatDayToBeABulldog
¿Quieres dinero gratis para la universidad? ¡Mira estas becas! ¿Preguntas? Consulte a Diane Rodríguez en el Centro de Carreras.
Por favor ayude a nuestro Club AVID asistiendo a nuestra recaudación de fondos en Chipotle el 11 de diciembre de 4 a 8 pm. Comparta el volante adjunto para asegurarse de que su compra sea acreditada a nuestro Club AVID. ¡Planee un día familiar en Chipotle y ayude a promover las excursiones de AVID y el apoyo a los estudiantes! https://bit.ly/ChipotleFundraiser12-11-23Span
Please help our AVID Club by attending our fundraiser at Chipotle on December 11th from 4 to 8 pm. Share the attached flyer to make sure your purchase is credited to our AVID Club. Plan a family Chipotle day and help promote AVID field trips and student support! https://bit.ly/ChipotleFundRaiser12-11-23
Come support your Bulldogs as wrestling begins MRL play tonight vs Apple Valley at home! Tickets are available on GoFan. See everyone tonight!
Hello Bulldog Community! We will be having our ELAC meeting on Thursday December 7th at 9:30 a.m. in the Career Center. We will have guest speakers to discuss college classes in high school and career exploration. See you there! https://bit.ly/ELAC12-7-23
What is ELAC?: https://bit.ly/ELACInfoCenter
¡Hola Comunidad Bulldog! Tendremos nuestra reunión de ELAC el jueves 7 de diciembre a las 9:30 a.m. en el Centro de Carreras. Tendremos oradores invitados para hablar de las clases universitarias en la escuela secundaria y la exploración de carreras. ¡Nos vemos allí! https://bit.ly/ELAC12-7-23
¿Qué es ELAC?: https://bit.ly/ELACInfoCenter
⭐️HUGE BARC OUTS⭐️to these stand-out students for their amazing accomplishments. They have been recognized by staff for displaying positive Behavior, high Academic achievement, college and career Readiness, and building a strong Community. #pawsitivenews #ItsAGreatDayToBeABulldog
Thank you to Azusa Pacific University for having an On The Spot Admissions Day for our Seniors in our College and Career Center. Seniors were able to apply, meet with admissions counselors, and get their applications reviewed. And many were offered admission that same day! Congratulations to those from the Class of 2024 who participated! #ItsAGreatDayToBeABulldog
Congratulations to sophomore Melanie Esquibel for receiving 2nd place in the Advance Disposal Recycling Art Contest.
Her art work will displayed at various sites in the site and she won a large cash award for her work!#itsagreatdaytobeabulldog
Hey Community come support our Parent Center at their gift wrapping event. This fundraiser helps raise funds for senior scholarships. See the flyer for all the details.
Hola Comunidad venga a apoyar a nuestro Centro de Padres en su evento de envoltura de regalos. Esta recaudación de fondos ayuda a recaudar fondos para becas de estudiantes del 12º grado. Vea el volante para todos los detalles.
Stay informed// Mantengase informado: https://bit.ly/OHHSBulldogInfoCenter
Chik-Fil-A Leader Academy and ASB have partnered with A Greater Hope to bring Toys to our Local Community this Holiday Season! First 300 students to donate a new toy, $10 or more, will get a Chik-Fil-A Sandwich during lunch! Drop off dates are this week, Dec. 6th-8th at lunch!
⭐️HUGE BARC OUTS⭐️to these stand-out students for their amazing accomplishments. They have been recognized by staff for displaying positive Behavior, high Academic achievement, college and career Readiness, and building a strong Community. #pawsitivenews #ItsAGreatDayToBeABulldog
Here are this week's events
We hope to see you at these events! We appreciate your continued support for our amazing students & programs! #itsagreatdaytobeabulldog
¡Esperamos verte en estos eventos! ¡Apreciamos su continuo apoyo a nuestros increíbles estudiantes y programas!
Hungry.... don't know what's for lunch and/or dinner! Bulldogs, we got you! Chronic Taco is hosting a fundraiser event for OHHS, as well as welcoming you to come check them out! Please grab lunch and/or dinner, TODAY, at Chronic Taco to help support all students of OHHS!
Hello Bulldog Community! Come join us at our Parent Center meeting on 12/6/23 at 9:00 a.m. in the ECA room. See you there! https://bit.ly/3sUKqx8
Want to know more? Visit our Parent Center page at https://bit.ly/ParentCenterSite